After the presentations, you are invited to visit Bosch Acoustic Laboratory and Vehicle Anechoic Chamber.
Attendance is free but strictly requires registration due to entry regulations. Please register here:
Associate professor János Asbóth (BME Institute of Physics & HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics & Quantum Information National Laboratory) has been awarded the Physics Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. János received the prize on May 15th, at the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!
Between 14-17 May, members of the QCIHungary project visited Singapore. The researchers from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), László Bacsárdi, Head of the Mobile Communication and Quantum Technologies Laboratory, Márton Czermann and Máté Galambos, PhD students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics participated three quantum communication events in Singapore.
From June 10 to 20, QNL will also participate in organizing three important quantum technology events in Budapest.
[1] Defects in Solids for Quantum Technologies (DSQT) Conference
A new measurement laboratory helps the better understanding of fifth generation (5G) mobile networks.
Within the framework of the Infocommunications and Information Technology National Laboratory (InfoLab) programme, a laboratory for measuring 5G networks was inaugurated on 9th May 2022 at the Óbuda University. The new measurement laboratory serves well the dual purpose of research and education, resulting in well-trained professionals with an up-to-date knowledge on the subject.